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As a broker, you understand better than anyone that the American healthcare system is broken due to rising costs, lack of transparency, and the absence of quality navigation. However, breaking away from the BUCAs can be challenging. We have made it easy by providing better outcome-driven healthcare plans for employers with five or more employees.

We have developed a powerful suite of services within Envita Health™ to deliver an exceptional patient experience, centered on achieving positive outcomes. Drawing on our two decades of experience in assisting patients and their families, we have crafted this innovative plan with special features to address common healthcare challenges.

The Difference is Clear! Envita Health™ Self-Funded and Level-Funded Plans vs. Standard Insurance

First Ever Nationwide Personalized & Integrative Medicine Coverage
The first ever major medical plans in the nation to offer coverage for personalized and integrative medicine, facilitated by our unique coding and billing infrastructure.
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Standard Insurance:Unchecked
Open Nationwide Network of Providers
No HMO or PPO limitations, covers the best doctors, specialists, hospitals, and facilities with over 1.2 million providers nationwide to include naturopathic, functional, integrative, preventive, primary, urgent, and conventional care.
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Standard Insurance:Unchecked
Envita Center of Excellence (COE)
State-of-the-art technology for treating cancer, autoimmune diseases, chronic Lyme disease, and other complex conditions, including minimally invasive surgical options that combine the latest in conventional and integrative medicine.
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Standard Insurance:Unchecked
Envita Personalized Concierge Care Navigation
Specialty service offering high-quality care navigation that prioritizes both quality and cost-efficiency. It is also the first nationwide program to provide personalized, integrative care navigation.
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Standard Insurance:Unchecked
Envita RX Plan
Great savings and deep-discounts on specialty drugs, generic drugs, and brand drugs, includes for the first time ever drug free options utilizing natural, alternative, and integrative medicine
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Standard Insurance:Unchecked
Envita 2nd Opinion
Offers telemedicine consultations for oncology and autoimmune diseases. Members can call in and speak with a doctor from the COE program to explore personalized integrative options and have a review of their current treatment program.
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Standard Insurance:Unchecked
Backed by Top Insurance Carrier
The top A+ carrier, making sure you have unparalleled support
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Standard Insurance:Unchecked


Envita Health™ for businesses of 25 or more employees is a fully insured self-funded option with  huge upgrades for an outstanding experience.
Envita Health™ is a customized and reliable self-funded plan, backed by A+ rated carrier.
Most PPO plans do not provide transparent guidance to navigate employees to high quality score facilities and outcomes. We do!
Most plans do not provide data transparency for small group global claims and premium reports.  We do!
Most small business plans do not have advanced concierge navigation services for supporting and enhancing members' experiences.  We do!

Plan Design Matters

Envita Health's™ robust custom plan design is attractive to brokers, particularly those seeking to surpass BUCA limitations. These innovative plans are crafted with a focus on enhancing patient outcomes and managing costs. Additionally, they provide complete transparency to ensure an overall improved experience for patients.

The Envita Hero navigation goes beyond merely redirecting patients to more cost-effective options. Instead, we reimagine their care plan, surpassing other health navigations. Our Envita Hero service guides patients to the latest technologies, drawing on our clinical experience of over two decades in assisting patients who had not found success in America's top medical institutions. Envita Hero provides key intercepts for second opinions, crucial for optimizing your health!