Envita BioMed

Revolutionizing Employer Wellness Programs to Foster Happier, Healthier Teams!

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Discover Envita BioMed

Envita BioMed is a groundbreaking healthcare offering that integrates advanced personalized medicine with innovative cost-saving measures to provide improved health outcomes. Designed by clinicians with over two decades of experience, Envita BioMed is transforming the landscape of employer health programs.

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A New Era of Healthcare: Medicine 3.0

Envita BioMed harnesses the power of Medicine 3.0, which moves beyond traditional care models to deliver highly personalized treatments. By leveraging advanced diagnostics, genetic profiling, and integrative medicine, Envita BioMed ensures that each patient receives tailored care aimed at preventing diseases and promoting overall wellness.

Envita BioMed vs Other Section 125 Programs


Envita's BioMed technology goes far beyond basic exercise and diet regimens from nutritionists to help members with disease prevention, aiming to reduce costs for the entire community.

Key Features and Benefits

Personalized Wellness Programs Envita BioMed offers comprehensive wellness programs that provide targeted laboratory tests and tailored recommendations for diet, lifestyle, and supplementation to optimize individual health.

Seamless Drug Programs Our Envita RX plan gives members access to over 65,000 pharmacies nationwide with a $0 copay on nearly 1,300 generic medications, significantly reducing prescription costs​​.

Advanced Preventive Care Envita BioMed focuses on early disease detection and prevention. Programs like our Specialty Lab Program and Hormone Replacement Program provide advanced screening and personalized treatments to keep employees healthy and productive​​​​.

Cost-Saving Measures Envita BioMed is designed to cut healthcare costs significantly. Our programs intercept high-cost claims early, reducing unnecessary treatments and hospital stays. This approach not only improves health outcomes but also lowers overall healthcare spending for employers and employees​​​​.

Expert Care Navigation Envita BioMed offers personalized concierge care navigation, guiding members through complex healthcare decisions and ensuring they receive the best possible care at the right time and place​​​​.

Innovative Technology Integration Our proprietary algorithms and billing codes allow seamless integration of personalized and integrative medicine into existing healthcare plans. This technology ensures that members receive optimal care while controlling costs​​​​.

Comprehensive Support Services From virtual primary care to disease management programs, Envita BioMed provides extensive support services that address a wide range of health issues. Our 24/7 telemedicine and physician-directed advice lines ensure that members always have access to medical guidance and support​​.

Maximize Your Benefits with Pre-Tax Savings

One of the standout features of the Envita BioMed plan is its ability to deliver significant tax savings for both employers and employees. As a Section 125 Cafeteria Plan, Envita BioMed allows employees to pay for their healthcare benefits with pre-tax dollars, reducing their taxable income and increasing their take-home pay.

Employers also benefit from reduced payroll taxes when employees participate in the Envita BioMed plan. By lowering the amount of taxable payroll, employers can save on their FICA (Federal Insurance Contributions Act) taxes​​​​.

Cost Savings

The addition of tax savings for employers may lead to a reduction in major medical chronic disease premiums over the long term.

Saving Money While Improving Health Outcomes Section

Envita BioMed is not just about better health outcomes; it's about making healthcare affordable. By focusing on preventive care and early intervention, our plans help avoid costly medical procedures and hospitalizations. This results in substantial savings for both employers and employees​​​​.

Join the Revolution in Wellness Programs

Envita BioMed is setting a new standard in healthcare, offering a blend of advanced medical technology and personalized care that is unmatched in the industry. Our mission is to improve health outcomes while reducing costs, making high-quality healthcare accessible and sustainable for all.

Market Demand

With its powerful features designed to keep members healthy and energetic, Envita BioMed is an essential upgrade for any healthcare plan, ensuring everyone will want to make the most of their benefits.

Contact Us Today

Explore how Envita BioMed can transform your organization's healthcare. Reach out to our team for more information and discover the future of employee wellness programs.