Envita Pharmacy

Enhances Patient Care With Precision Medicine, Drug Free Options, and Deep Discounts for Prescription Drugs and Specialty Drugs

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Envita Pharmacy goes beyond the basic features of standard PBM (Pharmacy Benefits Manager), which are companies operating in the middle of the distribution supply chain for prescription drugs. PBMs work with drug manufacturers, health insurance providers, and pharmacies to negotiate drug prices in the healthcare system, but with Envita’s pharmacy services you will find better rates, as well as, many other advantages.

To help improve health outcomes, while reducing overall costs to the community, Envita pharmacy offers unique and valuable options for specialty drugs and drug-free alternatives, where applicable.

In a recent 1000 life employer group analysis, Envita Pharmacy analyzed 17,767 prescriptions and concluded that we would have been able to save that company an estimated $1,000,000 in pharmacy costs over the course of one year, while providing high-quality care. Our program initiatives are driven with the goal of helping employees live a happier life, reducing their dependence on medications as much as possible, and lowering the financial burden on employers.

Envita Pharmacy Outshines the Competition

Deep discounts on generic drugs, formulary drugs, and brand name specialty drugs
Discounts on custom compounded medications
Discounts on physician grade supplements
Drug intercepts to reduce long-term use of medication and side-effects


When members have access to custom-designed medications for their particular condition, they often do much better than with standard drugs, while experiencing fewer side effects.


Members appreciate the drug-free alternative intercepts and also benefit from the deep discounts through our pharmacy program.

We are committed to providing outcome-driven care at reduced costs, which is why we provide discounts on custom compounded medication that is designed and made just for your needs. Envita Health's™ pharmacy partners custom compound medications to remove potential side-effect causing agents and help drive down costs with alternative options, which helps maximize patient safety while optimizing their health outcomes.

*All medications require a consultation with a licensed physician and a prescription prior to dispensing.*

Not all supplements are created equal. By implementing the Envita Pharmacy plan, you gain access to high-grade supplements, designed by physicians to ensure you are receiving the appropriate dosing for improving your health. To add to your advantage, these physician grade supplements come at a discounted price for all Envita Health™ members.

Pharmacy grade supplements at a competitive price is another feature, which shows Envita Health’s™ attention to detail for your health!

Cost Savings

Envita’s advocacy for specialty and smart drug programs is designed to help patients save even more, going beyond any other plan.

Envita Pharmacy's physician guided drug intercepts are designed to help patients reduce their dependency on medications and alleviate potential side-effects by utilizing advanced integrative and natural medicine options.

Through the use of Envita BioMed AI and Envita Pharmacy, our physicians are able to identify medications that may have safe alternatives by combining the best options from all branches of medicine to help you reduce your overall prescription load. With Envita BioMed AI, you may also get recommendations from our healthcare providers for drug-free alternatives to ensure what you are putting in your body is targeted toward your overall health.

Market Demand

Envita Health™ has built-in intercepts to help reduce patients’ dependence on expensive medications. We personalize diet, lifestyle, and exercise regimens, and combine these with other integrative approaches and customized medications to improve holistic health.